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Why the MemberPress membership subscription is not active?

If you are using MemberPress WooCommerce Plus for subscription payments, you may noticed that inside the MemberPress menu » Subscriptions tab » Active the status is No. This is ok. Here is a screenshot of the settings: Why the MemberPress membership subscription is not active? And here is the explanation why: ​MemberPress WooCommerce Plus uses WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin for managing all subscriptions. ​ ​It is not using MemberPress subscriptions as it is not relevant to the WooCommerce payment. ​ ​Therefore, when a member purchases a product using WooCommerce (one-time / subscription based), the plugin automatically creates a transaction that allows the member to access the content. ​ ​The subscription tab in MemberPress does not reflect this information as the subscription information is located inside WooComemrce subscription plugin. ​ ​If you test it you will see that you are able to login as the member and access the protected content, just like regular MemberPress registration. In other words, you can ignore this status as it is irrelevant. ​
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