
All categories accessible to a specific member

Quick Navigation


Just add the shortcode to any post or page in order for any member to see all the categories he has access to.

This is a great plugin that can be used in the member’s dashboard.



You can add the below parameters to the shortcode in order to configure it better to your own membership site’s structure:

Parameter Name Required / Optional Description
order Optional Order by title. Can be ascending/ descending. Default is asc. (Options: asc/desc)
protected_only Optional Display only protected posts. Default is no. (options: yes/no)
payperpost Optional Include pay per posts to be displayed in the lists of posts. Default is no. (options: yes/no)
display_excerpt Optional Display the posts’ excerpts. Default is no. (options: yes/no)
no_posts Optional Text to display if no posts exist to the member. Default text is “No Posts” but can be changed to any other text you like. (options: any text you like)


[wlss_member_categories order="asc" protected_only="no" display_excerpt="yes"]