The Registration Form Cookie Settings (Display Tab)

In the Display tab you can define when and how many times the greeting registration form will be displayed to your visitors / members.

The Display tab includes the following settings:

  • Don’t Display to Logged Users – Ability to hide or display the greeting registration form to / from logged-in users
  • Don’t Display to Level Members – Ability to hide or display the greeting registration form to / from members who are already registered to the membership level defined in the plugin’s settings as defined in the Registration tab
  • Don’t Display to All Members – Ability to hide or display the greeting registration form to / from all members in any membership level
  • Cookie Length – The number of days you want to hide the greeting registration form from users who choose to close the registration form by clicking on the Close button that can be defined in the Registration tab. More information about the cookies further down this page

Here is a screenshot of the settings you can define in the Display tab (click to enlarge image):

The Display Tab

Cookie Statuses

In addition to the above settings, you will also see a notification on the right side of the screen that notifies you what is the current cookie status: Off/ On

In any case, you will be able to view a preview of the greeting registration form by clicking on the “preview” link inside the notification.

Here is a screenshot of the coolie status notifications:

Cookie Status Notifications