Complete Activation Process of Wishlist Greeting Registration in 7 Steps

Follow the steps below to have Wishlist Greeting Registration activated and fully function on your membership site.

Detailed information about each step including screenshots can be accessed by clicking on each step’s title.

Step #1: Plugin Download

Download Wishlist Greeting Registration plugin zip file from the Purchase Receipt you received to your email.

Step #2: Plugin Installation & Activation

Install the plugin just like any other WordPress plugin from the Plugins menu > Add New.

Step #3: License Activation

Activate the plugin’s license using the license key you received to your email.

Step #4: Designing the Greeting Registration Form (Design Tab)

Go to WL Extensions > Wishlist Greeting Registration > Design Tab

In this tab you can design the look and feel of the greeting registration form.

Step #5: Defining the Registration Form Settings (Registration Tab)

In the Registration tab you will define the registration settings of the greeting registration form.

Step #6: Determining the Cookie Settings (Display Tab)

In the Display tab you will define when and how many times the greeting registration form will be displayed to your visitors / members.

Step #7: Adding the Shortcodes to the Thank You Page

Wishlist Greeting Registration plugin also allows you to add simple shortcodes to display every member who registers his login details. The shortcodes are available in the Dashboard tab.